Untreated aluminium oxidises/corrodes when exposed to air or influenced by weather conditions.
We offer various surface treatment options.
Here you will find some information about the respective methods, or download the complete range as a file in our download area.


  • Anodized
    Anodising transforms the surface of aluminium into a dense, very hard oxide layer that is inseparable from the base material. Anodised surfaces do not corrode, protect against mechanical impact and are insensitive to weathering. After anodising, it is still possible to colour the aluminium parts.
  • Powder-coated
    Powder coating is recommended for decorative and functional coatings. In powder coating or powder painting, the workpieces are coated with powder paint.
  • Nickel-plated
    Nickel coatings can be deposited both galvanically and chemically. Electroplated nickel is mainly used for decorative purposes. Chemical nickel plating is the primary choice for technical functional applications.
  • Tin-coated
    In the electrical/electronics industry, electro galvanising is widely used in the production of contact material. In the process of galvanic refinement, objects are immersed in a tin electrolyte. Electric current allows a tin coating to be formed on the surface.
  • Silver-plated
    Galvanic silver plating is one of the key galvanic processes: Electrolysis refines the surface of a metallic object with a silver coating.
  • Gold-plated
    Gold is a very durable precious metal, not just because of its material value, but also due to its resistance to almost all gases, acids, alkalis, salts and alkaline substances. Another important property of gold is that it is resistant to corrosion by the atmosphere and water.
  • Shot-peened
    By using the finest abrasives, e.g. cast stainless steel or glass beads, high-quality materials are refined in rack and bulk processes. The spectrum is diverse. This method is predominantly used in the electrical industry, medical technology and the lighting industry.